
I’ll cut right to the chase. I’ve been getting fed up with Facebook and my addiction (so sad to say) to it. Now, I don’t spend hours a day on it, but the time I do spend on it makes me feel like I’ve accomplished absolutely nothing. I mean, it’s brilliant on Facebook’s part, fooling people into believing they are actually bettering their lives. But it’s no way to spend your time and now, the blue and white veil has been lifted from my eyes.

So, I quietly began deleting people months ago. It started with people I didn’t know (a pretty obvious decision) and then moved on to people I kind of knew. After removing them as a friend, I felt as if I made a bad decision. “How would these people feel?” I would think aloud. That’s when I realized my ego was bigger than it ought to be. “Did it really matter?” was the conclusion I came to. Digital friends are hard to hang out with and kind of a bore.

Pretty soon, the deleting of people became an obsession. I started in on the people I went to church with growing up, my former classmates and even people I still see on a regular basis. Before I knew it, over 300 “friends” were gone. Kaput. Deleted. It felt good to cut this out of my life.

My list of friends is now mainly family, close friends and, well that’s about it. And that’s how it should be and hopefully will remain that way. I’m still debating whether to deactivate the account, but I’ll revisit that another day. For now, a news feed of information from people I am interested in will suffice. At the very least, it won’t keep me occupied when I log on.
